As’ari Maarif, Hartanti Hartanti


Criminal Verdict No. 353  Pid.Sus  2015  PN SMN is one of the decisions used as research material in this paper shows examples of cases of intellectual property infringement. The purpose of this study is to know and meganalisa: judges' consideration in deciding cases of intellectual property rights committed by defendants NW in criminal verdict. 353  Pid.Sus  2015  PN SMN,  the link between law violations committed by the defendant NW in criminal verdict. 353  Pid.Sus 2015  PN SMN and copyright infringement that is categorized as a form of crimeand solutions to the infringement of intellectual property rights as committed by the defendant NW. In this research approach, the authors use the juridical normative and juridical empirical approach. The research data consist of primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques consist of library and field data collection. The location of the research is at the Sleman District Court. The resource persons in this study were judges at the Sleman District Court. Data analysis was done by qualitative descriptive analysis method. The results of the research indicate that  judges' consideration in deciding cases of intellectual property infringement committed by defendant NW in criminal verdict. 353 Pid.Sus  2015  PN SMN is the defendant NW who is the General Manager of The Jayakarta Hotel & Spa who has the main duty responsible for the operations of The Jayakarta Hotel & Spa has held and let the top 2014 World Cup in Brazil in hotel rooms and In the hotel restaurant, 2 the link between the law violations committed by the defendant NW in the criminal verdict. 353  Pid.Sus 2015 PN SMN and copyright infringement categorized as a form of crime based on Criminal Acts with no rights and  or without permission The creator or copyright holder violates the economic rights of the creator.

Keywords: intellectual property rights, copyright, broadcasting rights

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