This study aims to analyze the position and authority as well as the function of legislative implementation of the DPRD after the cancellation of the Regional Regulation by the Minister of Home Affairs, and to analyze the legality of the cancellation in the Regional Regulation in Indonesia. The approach used by the author is the normative juridical approach. Normative research is a legal research conducted by examining library materials or secondary. The research focuses on the analysis of the authority position of the DPRD and the Minister of Home Affairs in the annulment of the regional regulation as a representation of the people and analyzes the juridical power of the Minister of Home Affairs Decree in annulment, especially with the existing hierarchy of laws.
The Regional House of Representatives and the Minister of Home Affairs with the authority to administer the Regional Government shall have a representation of the people's representation as regulated by the Law. DPRD as an aspiration institution of the people can perform defense in accordance with its functions and duties in the formation of law regulations, while the Minister of Home Affairs as the extension of the Central Government can form the representation of the community is a form of supervision both the form of preventive and repressive in the implementation of local government Occupation of Ministerial Decree based on the rule of law , can be regarded as a form of rule rules that are individual, concrete and final and govern the general public in accordance with its authority based on the law. Thus the position of the Ministerial Decree is recognized constitutionally, however the position of the Ministerial Decree does not include the hierarchy of the Laws and Regulations. The validity of a Decree in the annulment of a Regional Regulation shall be deemed valid, prior to the cancellation by the State Administrative Court.
Keywords: Cancellation of Local Regulation, Minister of Home Affairs, DPRD
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