Observing the phenomenon that occurred in the school environment these days often occur violent acts committed by students. The form of violence that in the past few years can still be tolerated, and considered fair has turned into a criminal act that is very disturbing to society. Violence in the region of Bantul is very alarming because the victims have been many and students are not safe in daily activities. So the public demanded that the behavior of the student must be in strict criminal sanction kenai. Therefore, the police as law enforcers are required to respond quickly in dealing with the problem of student violence. How is the role of the investigator in the investigation of violent crime committed by the learner and what are the factors influencing the occurrence of violent crime committed by the learner and how is the solution. The research was conducted by empirical juridical approach. Resource Persons from Investigators who deal directly with violent crimes committed by students. Data collection was done by literature study and field study, data analysis was done qualitatively.
The role of investigators in the investigation of violent crimes committed by students in Bantul region is included in the role of normative and factual. The normative role is implemented by legislation, especially the Police Law and the Law on Child Criminal Justice System. The factual role is based on the facts about the existence of students who commit violent crimes by providing continuous skills to educate children because the students are still in the age of the child, conducting investigations in the special examination room of the child, conducting investigation with the family atmosphere, requesting the research report of the community, forced by referring to the Law on the Juvenile Justice System. Investigation of the child is manifested by the investigator by way of familial investigation, not dressed and not pressing the child. Factors of violence perpetrated by the students are schools and families and the community environment, as for the solution in need of concrete actions of various parties by prioritizing the approach and guidance to the students. In the investigation of violent crimes committed by students who are still age of the child should be tailored to the child criminal justice system and the need for supervision in any settlement of either diversionary or ADR cases to avoid the misuse of authority by the investigator.
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