Widya Kartika, Buddewi Sukindrawati


Abstract : The owners, planners, and project officers in the execution of construction projects should take steps scheduling fast, accurate, and efficient in order to avoid delays in project implementation. However several ways to determine the success of the project that has been running has not been done. The methods used to determine the successful implementation of construction projects that have been completed a project evaluation form. This research analyzes the success of building construction projects in terms of cost, time and quality in the construction of building projects in Bantul  KPPD DIY  using the earned value concept. The success of the project in terms of cost and time by analyzing the progress of the project based on indicators BCWS, ACWP, BCWP, then the analysis in the form of cost performance index (CPI) and schedule performance index (SPI). While the success of the project in terms of quality is through laboratory test results that meet the planning. The results of the analysis earned value concept on a building site in Bantul KPPD DIY  is cost performance index and schedule performance index of 1 to 28 weeks showed values above 1. The CPI equal to 1.10142123, it means the number of cost performance index of more than 1 then spend less than the budget plan. SPI (Schedule Performance Index) is the highest in week 2 of 2.708677284, schedule performance index score of more than one then the project implementation performance is better than planning for faster realization of the planned schedule. The greater the difference from figure 1, the greater the difference of planning. If the figures obtained high performance index surpassed the achievements of the implementation of the work very well, but need to be reviewed in terms of quality materials. In KPPD DIY building project quality produced meets the Work Plan and Conditions, proven in all laboratory test results.

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