Peningakatan Kekuatan dan Kekakuan Profil C dengan Pengaku Rangka Tipe Warren
Lipped channel is one of steel shape often used as a beam, commonly used as a beam on the roof structure. The advantages of this profile is its own relatively light weight. Disadvantages of this profile is the possibility of buckling on the lipped channel. Another disadvantages is the deflection that occurs large enough before the profile permit stress is exceeded. This study aims to overcome the weakness, especially on the deflection side by installing a reinforcement on the lip profile. Reinforcement in the form of reinforcement steel bar with 6 mm diameter mounted varies from the distance and the form of reinforcement. Warren type of framework used in this research. Warren type was simple framework, easy to fabrication and only use 1 or 2 point welding. Adding the Warren type framework can reduce deflection. The result of modeling with computer program gives significant reducing deflection. Using distance reinforcing of 2 times of height of C beam was enough to reduce deflection.
Keywords: deflection, lipped channel, Warren type
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