Whisnu Bagus Riyadi, Tania Edna Bhakty, Nizar Achmad


The objective of this research is to determine the amount of flood discharge in the Kamijoro weir, to determine the shape and dimensions of the lighthouse in the Kamijoro weir dimensions and to determine the design of the Kamijoro Dam Olak Pond.Methods that use precise analytical calculations so as to provide optimal and timely results which is looking for rainfall data, looking for maximum rainfall, rainfall data consistency test, data normality test, rain distribution calculation, hourly rain calculation, calculating flood discharge, calculating flood height, calculating energy height above mercury, calculation of the type and dimensions of the pond. It can be concluded that  the flood discharge of the Progo river is 1982.790776 m3 / sec. The shape of the lighthouse used is a round lighthouse with a height of 2.4m lighthouse and lighthouse radius is 0.85 m. The design of the olak pond is olak pond type IV.

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