Estimasi Analisis Hidrologi Pada Sistem Jaringan Irigasi Daerah Sajau Hilir Ujung Kecamatan Tanjung Palas Timur Kabupaten Bulungan

Trifani Oktaviansyah, Asta Asta, Rosmalia Handayani


The village of Sajau Hilir is one of the districts in Bulungan that has potential in the development of irrigation areas, most of the people in Sajau Hilir Villlage have a livelihood as farmers with an area of irrigation Sajau Hilir are of 68.4 Ha. Irrigation area downstream sajau have some problems that is irrigation system that still use simple irrigation system and water drainage system that less maximal. In this research conducted several stages in the form of collecting primary and secondary data. Primary data in the form of documentation in the research area. While for secondary data include data from related institutions such as data evaporation, air humidity, wind speed, air temperature, solar radiation, topographic maps, as well as conducting literature study derived from irrigation books and journals.From the results of water availability analysis in this study, it is known that the availability of water in some inflow obtained the largest mainstay discharge in February and the smallest discharge occurred in July, while the largest water needs analysis in February was 12,327 ltr/sec/ha and the smallest water requirement occurred in August at 10,986 ltr/sec/ha.In the balance balance of the analysis it is known that the availability of water in 2 (Two) DAS with the potential area of irrigation area of 68.4 ha. Based on the calculation of balance sheet, it is sufficient so that the water supply continuously.

Teks Lengkap:



Bardan Mochamad (2014).,Irigasi., Jakarta ISBN:978-602-262-239-0 cetakan ke I tahun 2014.

Direktorat jenderal sumber daya air standar prencanaan irigasi, KP 01 2010, badan Penerbit dinas pekerjaan umum, Jakarta.

John FK,2002 pengertian Irigasi ,departemen pendidikan nasional, universitas nusa cendana.


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