Studi Mode share Angkutan Pada Hari Kerja dan Hari Libur di Perkotaan Yogyakarta

Risdiyanto Risdiyanto, Viki Yulianti, Ayu Fina Palupi


The road traffic conditions in Yogyakarta are getting stuck. Unfortunately, until now there is no study on share mode. This study aims to determine the mode of share of transportation in Yogyakarta.

The survey was conducted at 4 intersections on weekdays and holidays in early March 2020 (before the Covid 19 pandemic hit Yogyakarta). The survey of the number of vehicles and the number of passengers per vehicle used the Roadside Windshield method and the Photographic and Video Surveillance method. Data were analyzed descriptively.

Based on the calculation, the highest share mode for working days and holidays on average was private motorbikes (65.2%) followed by passenger cars (22.7%). The Trans Jogja Bus share mode is only 0.67%. By seeing these results, it is necessary to make efforts to increase the share mode of the Trans Jogja Bus while simultaneously reducing the use of motorbikes and passenger cars. 

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