Evaluasi Keamanan Jembatan terhadap Debit Banjir di Sungai Sei Pare-Pare
The Sei Pare-Pare River has a length of 4,357 meters. On this river, there is a bridge for the Indrapura Toll Road. The bridge has two pillars and two abutments, if the rainfall in the Sei Pare-Pare River is high, the water discharge in the river can increase. This incident can cause scour on the pillars and abutments of the bridge. It can disrupt the stability of the bridge structure. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the river discharge to determine whether the bridge is safe or not in case of flooding.
A calculation analysis on the Sei Pare-Pare River was carried out using the HSS Nakayasu Method to calculate the magnitude of the flood. Modeling the cross-sections of the river using a HEC-RAS software with steady flow and Unsteady Flow. The calculation analysis of scour on the bridge using the Frohlich equations in the HEC-RAS software.
Based on the results of the analysis in this study, it was found that the flood calculation with a return period of 2 years as 155.29 m/s, 5 years as 167.59 m/s, 10 years as 193.85 m³/s, 20 years as 220.10 m³/s, 25 years as 234.60 m³/s, and 50 years as 270.95 m³/s. The difference in the flood water level on the return period of 50 years with the height of the bridge or girder as 5.5 meters, then the water does not overflow into the bridge. At discharge with a return period of 10 years using the Froehlich equations, the scour on the right abutment as 6.53 meters for steady flow and as 6,74 meters for unsteady flow, while for the pillars the same scour occurs as 1 meters. The scour that happened was to big, so it can be concluded that the bridge on the Sei Pare-Pare River is not safe.
Keyword :Overflow, HEC-RAS, HSS Nakayasu, Bridge, Scour.Teks Lengkap:
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