Studi Tebal Lapis Pondasi Semen Komposit Tanah Menggunakan Plaxis V.8.2
The development of technology for application, the discovery of additives to maximize the soil-cement reaction and the publishing of the Interim Special Specification for Section S.Kh. 2.5.4. regarding soil composite cement base layer (SCCBL) which encourages the widespread use of soil-cement material as a pavement base material in Indonesia. On the other hand, the Road Pavement Design Manual 2017 has not determined the design of soil-cement material as a material for pavement base layer and the calculation of the SCCBL thickness must be carried out using a mechanistic analytical method through a trial and error process to obtain an economical thickness. The simplification of the mechanistic analytical method in the form of graphs to determine the thickness supporting the traffic as a function of the bearing capacity of the subgrade and the strength of the soil-cement is very useful for the design process.
This study analyzes the strain behavior of soil-cement by simulating the thickness, strength of soil-cement and the bearing capacity of the subgrade using Plaxis V.8 which is based on the finite element method. The mechanistic analytical method using Plaxis V.8.2 validation was carried out using the Nothingham method. The SCCBL thickness variation is 15 cm to 40 cm with an interval of 2.5 cm, the CBR value of LPSKT is 80; 90% ; 100% ; 110%; 120%, and the CBR value of the subgrade 1%; 2%; 3%; 4% ;5% ; 6%, was used in this study. The traffic in the form of repetitions of the standard axle load that can be supported is calculated based the SCCBL strain using the Asphalt Institute equation (1982).
The study indicate that analysis results of the SCCBL thickness based on the mechanistic analysis method using Plaxis v.8.2 program is quite close to the Nottingham method. The corelation between the number of the standard axle load repetitions and the SCCBL thickness is an exponential function. The analysis results of the SCCBL thickness based on the mechanistic analysis method using Plaxis v.8.2 is thinner compared to the thickness of the CTB pavement as suggested in the 2017 Bina Marga method.
Keywords: SCCBL, thickness, CBR, strain, number of repetitions
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