Kajian Pengolahan Limbah Cair Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja (IPLT) pada parameter TDS, pH, Colitinja, Minyak dan Lemak (Studi Kasus IPLT Balai Pengelolaan Infrastruktur Air Limbah dan Air Minum Perkotaan Di Cepit, Pendowoharjo, Sewon, Bantul Yogya

Sardi Sardi, Hadi Yuwono


Water is one of the main sources for the life of living things both on the land, sea, and in the air. With the increasing population growth and the movement of human activities, the level of pollution, including in waters, is also increasing, caused by discharge from the rest of various human activities. The Sludge Treatment Plant (IPLT) which is located in one complex of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL) Balai PIALAM Sewon, Bantul is an effort from the community's idea and is followed up by the government to treat domestic sewage sludge from household waste, government agencies or private in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta City and parts of Bantul Regency.

The data and test samples were obtained from a survey directly to the field in the Sludge Separation Equipment Area located in the Center for Wastewater and Urban Drinking Water Infrastructure Management (PIALAM) Bantul. The method used is by taking test samples from both the inlet and outlet. After obtaining the results of sampling, laboratory testing is carried out before obtaining data that can be processed and concluded.

The results of this study resulted in data conclusions, the average parameter value in the 4 years from 2017-2019 with an Inlet pH of 6.2 and an Outlet pH of 6.9. Meanwhile, the TDS, Collinja, and Fatty Oil Parameters are calculated from 2019-2020 due to the irregular testing of these parameters. The average value of TDS Inlet is 355.8 mg/L and TDS Outlet is 408.0 mg/L, the average value for Colitinja Inlet is 9.7x109 MPN/100mL and Colitinja Outlet is 648732.6 MPN/100Ml. the average of Inlet Fatty Oil is 50.9 mg/L and Outlet Oil is 7.3 mg/L. From these data, it can be concluded that the treatment of liquid waste in the form of fecal sludge is needed 

in to realize proper, healthy, and useful water quality for the survival of living things.

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