Redesign Saluran Drainase Jalan Kaliurang km. 6,5-7

Titiek Widyasari, Nizar Achmad, Dimas Addien Pradipta


Drainage is an important part of a highway system. Drainage is a system that drains water from the road to the reservoir. However, if the drainage does not run according to its function, many problems will arise. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the drainage capacity in the ability to drain flood discharge. The method in this study uses precise analytical calculations so as to provide optimal and timely results, namely looking for rainfall data, looking for maximum rainfall, rainfall data consistency test, data normality test, rain distribution calculation, hourly rainfall calculation, calculate flood discharge, and running it into the Hec-Ras analysis program. It can be concluded that the drainage channel with width 60 cm×80c m is not able to drain to the reservoir with a runoff flow 74,13585 mm/hour for a period of 2 years, 124,3546 mm/hour for a period of 5 years and 177,3637 mm/hour for a period of 10 years. Recalculation of the drainage channel with width 100 cm×120 cm and gives the result that there is no overflow of the Hec-Ras analysis program.

Teks Lengkap:



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