Evaluasi Tingkat Kerusakan Permukaan Jalan Perkerasan Lentur Dengan Metode Pavement Condition Index (Pci) dan Bina Marga (Study Kasus Ruas Jalan Sentolo-Pengasih Kulon Progo)

Suherminanta Suherminanta, Adrianto Palelu, Risdiyanto Risdiyanto, Nindyo Cahyo Kresnanto


The Sentolo-Pengasih Road Section of Kulon Progo Regency is a provincial road that connects the Capital City of the Special Province of Yogyakarta with the City of Kulon Progo Regency, basically planning the age of road pavement according to the conditions and needs of existing traffic, generally designed within a period of 10- 20 years, which means that it is hoped that the road will not be damaged in the first 5 years, but in reality the existing roads have started to deteriorate before the first 5 years and result in road damage that can interfere with the safety and comfort of road users. This study aims to determine the dimensions, types and level of damage to the road segment. The research was carried out by means of a direct survey in the field to obtain primary data and collect data from related agencies as secondary data so that it can be analyzed and used as a reference for handling road pavement maintenance. The method used is the PCI (Pavement Condition Index) method and the Bina Marga method. On the Sentolo-Pengasih road section STA 0+000 to 2+000, the types of damage found are crocodile skin cracks, checkered cracks, subsidence, edge cracks, shoulder depressions, longitudinal cracks, transverse cracks, holes, furrow damage, slippage cracks, expands, grain release with a PCI value of 64.85 is included in the good category. The Bina Marga method obtained a priority order value of 7.45 which is included in the routine maintenance program. Handling carried out in the form of melting asphalt, coating cracks, filling cracks, patching holes, leveling. So the road must be repaired immediately so that the damage does not get worse.

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