Kajian Kehilangan Debit Akibat Budidaya Perikanan di sekitar Saluran Irigasi D I Nglengkong Kabupaten Sleman

Sardi Sardi, Tania Edna Bhakty, Nizar Achmad, Wahyudi Wahyudi


The need for irrigation water in the agricultural sector with irrigation systems has many problems. Water that flows from the primary canal to the secondary and tertiary canals to the rice fields often loses water, so that in planning it is always assumed that a quarter to a third of the amount of water taken will be lost before the water reaches the rice fields. It is suspected that in the management of irrigation water there is loss of water that occurs during distribution to the Nglengkong Irrigation Area.

The research was conducted in the Nglengkong Irrigation Area, Kali Sembung, Sukoharjo Village, Kapawenon Ngaglik, Sleman. Primary data is obtained through direct measurements in the field, including measurements of inflow and outflow of water (m³/sec), channel cross-sectional area, evaporation (mm/day), flow velocity data using a current meter, depth measurements, channel width measurements. This research was conducted to obtain the effectiveness of water loss in the management of irrigation networks. The data obtained were analyzed using Microsoft Excel displayed in the form of tables and figures.

The results showed that the efficiency of the Primary channel was the lowest, namely only 53.66%, while the highest efficiency occurred in the Secondary channel 1, which was 70%. Loss of water through the canal gate shows that a lot of water discharge from the canal occurs in the Secondary 2 channel, which is 0.010m3/sec. Overall water loss in the canal irrigation network of the Nglengkong Irrigation Area, the average is 0.010m³/sec. The overall average efficiency of the canal irrigation network is 62.97% with an evaporation value along the small canal of 0.00024 m3/day and has no significant effect on water loss. Water loss tends to be caused by freshwater fish rearing activities, which mostly occur in the Primary 1 channel because there are freshwater fish rearing activities, there are 4 fish ponds and in Primary 2 there is 1 fish pond. Looking at the results of the analysis of measurement calculations in the field, the Nglengkong Irrigation Irrigation Channel has met the canal efficiency criteria, where the water loss that occurs along the canal is an average of 0.010m3/second and the average efficiency level is 62.97%, while the estimation of irrigation efficiency in the network Secondary 90%.

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