Embung Tambakboyo located in Condongcatur Village, Depok District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, is only used to irrigate rice fields and fish ponds, and start functioning since 2008. The purpose of this analysis is to know the actual amount of water requirement to be given by Embung Tambakboyo which has been used only for irrigation water requirement and fish pond water requirements. In addition, water requirement must also take into account the evaporation and seepage. The method used consisted of primary data collection consisting of cropping pattern, rice field location and fish pond location and secondary data consisting of discharge data, rainfall data, Indonesian digital topographic map (RBI), climatology data, soil permeability value (k) , and planning drawings. Further calculation of irrigation water requirement, fish pond water requirements, and needs due to evaporation and seepage. The results of the analysis show that the half month water requirement in a year starting from January 1st until December 2nd (in lt / dt): 25,69; 25,69; 42,82; 42,82; 44,29; 44,29; 34,26; 34,26; 34,32; 26,12; 42,90; 28,76; 31,03; 33,21; 37,66; 35,58; 32,65; 26,35; 61,32; 61,32; 45,57; 45,57; 36,87; dan 36,87, or (in m3): 33294,70; 35514,35; 55497,27; 48097,63; 57400,75; 61227,46; 44395,88; 44395,88; 44475,09; 36107,30; 55600,26; 37274,17; 40217,38; 45909,19; 48811,36; 49178,90; 42320,11; 34154,25; 79464,36; 84761,98; 59055,69; 59055,69; 47784,61; dan 50970,25.
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