Pengaruh Kadar Air Pemadatan Terhadap Kinerja Stabilisasi Semen Tanah Lanau Berpasir
Soil-cement has been used as a road materials in Indonesia since 1980. Several factors affected the cement-soil performance are: soil type, cement content, density and moisture content. Previous research has shown that the moisture content resulting in maximum performance is affected by the soil type. The objective of study is determine water content resulting in maximum soil-cement performance on sandy silt, MS / A5.
The soil-cement performance measured by conducting a series of california bearing capacity and unconfined compression laboratory test againt soil-cement samples compacted on standard and modified proctor which refers to the SNI procedures. To know the influence of moisture content to CBR and UCS conducted variation of water moisture were: wopt-8; wopt-4: wopt: wopt + 4 and wopt + 8.
The results showed that the maximum CBRunsoaked and maximum CBRsoaked of soil-cement samples were compacted on the modified proctor and UCSsoaked of soil-cement samples compacted on standard proctor were obtained at optimum moisture content, whereas maximum UCSsoaked of soil-cement compacted on the modified proctor was obtained at optimum water content + 4%. The maximum UCSsoaked of modified proctor specimens higher than UCSsoaked of standard proctor specimens at 28 days curing time.Teks Lengkap:
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M. M. Rahman, A. Siddique and M. K. Uddin, Clay-Water/Cement Ratio is the Prime Parameter for Fine Grained Soil Improvement at High Water Content, DUET Journal Vol. 1, Issue 3, page 1-11 Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, 3 June 2012 page 1-11
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Widiyanto Arif, Wiyono Sugeng, Pengaruh Kadar Air dan Bahan Ikat Semen Terhadap Trend Keretakan Lapis Perkerasan Tanah Semen, Konferensi Regional Teknik Jalan ke 13, Makassar, 2014, halaman 1-17.
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