Evaluasi Halte Mobile Trans Jogja Terhadap Potensi Naik Turun Penumpang

Danu Fidiantoro, Risdiyanto Risdiyanto


The result of this research is to know the potential of passengers, the type of passenger work, the transition of modes to and from the mobile shelter, the frequency of Trans Jogja service usage, and the level of passenger satisfaction to the location and the shelter facilities. The conclusion is that the highest potential rise occurred at Block O stop of 31 people, the highest passenger potential dropping occurred at mobile stop Jl. Bhayangkara as many as 33 people. The types of jobs with the largest numbers are others (not students, students and private) a number of 37 people. The majority of passengers walk from and to the bus stop. The highest frequency of use of all shelters during the survey is as much as 1-2 times a week. The level of passenger satisfaction with the location and the relatively high halt facility ranges from 90% to 95%.

Teks Lengkap:



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