Analisis Mini Moveable Tower Crane Terhadap Biaya Dan Waktu Pekerjaan Precast Facade

Bing Santosa, Buddewi Sukindrawati, Priyantono Priyantono


The building project that use wall precast usually needs heavy equipment like mobile crane and tower crane for carry away the precast from production to the site until installation. For using many heavy equipment need high cost that will influence project final cost. If the team of that project cannot manage the cost by using heavy equipment, so the project cannot take good benefit for the company target.

This research purpose compares the cost and time of wall precast production using Mini Moveable Tower Crane compared with Tower Crane and Mobile Crane. The research method are case study and literature study then analysis the case to compare the cost and time using Mini Moveable Tower Crane compared with Tower Crane and Mobile Crane for wall precast construction.

The result of this research are the time cycle that need for lift wall precast from production to the site during 90 days by Tower Crane is 1.394,49 minutes, Mobile Crane is 1.231,50 minutes, and Mini Moveable Tower Crane is 4.410,87 minutes. The cost comparison during 90 days for wall precast production until staffel with Tower Crane is Rp.1.740.384.624,73,-, Mobile Crane is Rp. 1.581.884.624,73,-, and Mini Moveable Tower Crane is Rp. 1.344.999.624,73,-.

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