Potensi Matos Soil Stabilizer Untuk Memperbaiki Kinerja Lapis Pondasi Jalan Tanah- Semen di Atas Tanah Lunak
The use of local soil materials for alternative pavement material has environmental friendly and saves on transportation costs for road materials. Soil-cement has been used as an alternative pavement material in Indonesia with various degree of successful. The challenge of implementing soil-cement stabilization for pavement material in Indonesia is finding additives to improve performance while achieves strength according to specifications and increasing soil-cement flexibility / ductility especially in fine grained soil. This paper presents the results of a laboratory study of the effect of adding Matos soil stabilizer additives to unconfined compressive strength and soil-cement CBR.
A series of unconfined compression and California bearing ratio test according to Indonesian National Standard was carried out on soil-cement and soil-cement + matos samples, to determine the potential of Matos soil stabilizer additives to reduce cement content to achieve the required shear strength and increase ductility of soil-cement. Cement content used are 150 kg / m3 and 300 kg / m3 while Additive matos content is 1 kg / m3.
The results of the study showed that the addition of Matos 1 kg / m3 in clay (A-6) stabilized by 150 kg/m³ of cement increased the value of UCSsoaked, CBRsoaked, and durability, while the value of sensitivity to water decrease. UCS values of clay stabilized by 150 kg / m³ and matos 1.0 kg / m³ are equivalent to UC values of stabilized clay by 262 kg / m³ cement.Referensi
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