Aplikasi Pengaman Web
Security weaknesses in the web application are often utilized by people who are not responsible for stealing data and damaging the web, which of course this will harm web owners and interfere with the convenience of web users. It takes a way to reduce the risk of attacks on web applications that have security weaknesses. One of them is by using the Web Application Firewall. The Web Application Firewall in this study was designed to secure web applications from brute force attacks, SQL Injection, XSS, Comman Execution, and Arbitrary File Upload. This research was conducted by comparing the results obtained from testing the dummy website that has been installed with the Web Application Firewall using the PHP programming language.
Keywords: Arbitrary File Upload, Brute Force, Command Execution, PHP, XSS, Web Application Firewall
Teks Lengkap:
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Muhammad Chandrika,2013. Pencari Celah Keamanan Pada Aplikasi Web, http://digilib.its.ac.id/ITS-paper-51021130002674/25617, diakses 10 Januari 2017
Sri Setia Bella. 2012. Membangun Aplikasi Pembelajaran Secure Web Programming Berbasis Owsp Top 10. STMIK AKAKOM YOGYAKARTA.
Sri Wahyuni. 2010. Wirelees Aplication protocol. Universitas Amikom. Yogyakarta
Suluh Sri. 2009. Pembuatan Framework Audit Situs Web Untuk Auditor Menggunakan Model Kuantitas Perangkat Lunak. Universitas Tadulako.
Wahyudi Eko Febri. 2013. Studi Kasus Analisis Keamanan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan. STMIK AKAKOM YOGYAKARTA
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Program Studi Teknik Informatika Unversitas Janabadra